Training, Manuals, & Resources:

• Manual of Arms for Carbine, Sabre, Revolver, & Lance*
• Saddling & Placing the Effects*
• Rolling the Overcoat
• Rolling the Blanket and Effects*
Vaulting, Mounting, & Dismounting*
Sabre exercise*

The above links are from the 1st Maine Cav website and
posted with permission.
* Not yet completed

Poinsett's Cavalry Tactics (1841)
The definitive drill manual of the 2nd U.S. Cavalry during the war.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Note: While Cooke's "officially" replaced Poinsett's in 1861, in actual practice this was not the case. In the Army of the Potomac, Cooke's was never adopted and Poinsett's was the manual used throughout the war. Units transferred into the cavalry corps from the Western Theater that had been using Cooke's were ordered to stop using it and to use Poinsett's. So, in short, anyone reenacting Federal Cavalry from the Army of the Potomac, should be using Poinsett's.

Cavalry Skirmish Drill — Poinsett’s Cavalry Tactics

Congdons Cavalry Compendium (1864)

Revised U.S. Army Regulations of 1861

Revised U.S. Army Regulations of 1861: Subsistance Regulations

Cooke's Cavalry Tactics (1862)

Kautz' Customs of Service for NCOs and Soldiers (1864)

1861 Ordnance Manual: Horse Equipments For The Cavalry Service

1861 Ordnance Manual of the United States Army

1850 Ordnance Manual of the United States Army

Cavalry Tactics as Illustrated by the War of the Rebellion

Bugle calls

Civil War Cavalry Rank Chart

Stable Call Instructions (per 6th US Cavalry Orders)

Re-enacting How-To's and Resources

Making Poke Sacks

Making a Hardtack Box

Hardtack Recipe

The Buttonhole Stitch

Sewing a Canteen Cover

Fitting a McClellan Saddle to your horse

Template for Stitching a US onto a Blanket

Instructions for Rolling a Sharps Paper Cartridge (Blank)

Template for Sharps Arsenal Pack Label

Template for Sharps Arsenal Pack Inner Box and Cartridge

Template for Pistol Arsenal Pack Label

Template for Pistol Arsenal Pack Inner Box

Creating a Realistic Camp

Building an Authentic Impression

Campaign Camping

Cavalry Reenactment Check-List: Campaign

Hints To Campaigners (from 1863)

How To Improve Battlefield Authenticity

Living out of your Haversack and Saddlebags

Picketing Horses at an Event

Hat Size Chart

Cavalry Re-enacting Safety Guidelines
Note: the below safety guidelines are from different groups and some areas may not apply to us. However, because there is some good, common sense advice contained within them I thought it worth posting these links.

Division Cavalry Brigade Safety & Ordnance Guidelines

MCWRA Cavalry Safety & Engagement Rules


Do's and Don'ts for Hot Weather
and Refreshing Period Summer Beverages

